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Listening to my little voice


Whilst I was still in New York, I read a post on Terri Connellan's Quiet Writing website which resonated with me about listening to my little voice, and causing me to reflect on the journey that I was about to set out on. I wrote a response to Heidi Washburn's article whilst I was in Finland, preparing to set out for India.

The beginning of the article is here, and you can read the full post on Terri's site.

The two pictures here were taken in Perth, Western Australia in 2015 and I look forward to returning there in May this year.

Dear Heidi,

I read your article ‘When the inner voice calls, and calls again – my journey to wholehearted living’. I immediately wanted to respond and say ‘thank you for writing’ – and also to share my own reflections in response.  I am now that woman in my mid-forties in New York that you were 30 years ago, listening to the call of my inner voice to give up my corporate job and to live life with my whole heart. It was so reassuring to read your story, and know that you had the courage to listen to that voice and to create a wholehearted life for yourself. It provided confirmation that a different way of living than the conventional one that is presented to us is possible, if we choose to follow that path.

Read the full post here.

What does listening to your little voice mean to you?


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